I loved their 2005 release, "God's Money", for it's ability to keep intriguing tonal soundscapes and sheer fucked-upedness in the air simultaneously without ever disappearing up it's own arse. "House Jam", from their new(ish) "Saint Dymphna" LP, manages to do the same while adding some noddable synth-flourishes. I started my day off with a snowy walk set to the first disc of Kate Bush's "Aerial", and "House Jam" was the perfect digestif: cool snares and inviting vocal coos lay the ground for a medium-tempo groover, which even manages to work in some tasteful Low-Life-era New Order style guitar.
Cue this up, and enjoy the snow while it lasts.
Gang Gang Dance, "House Jam"
Edit: There's a slightly tweaked remix as well, but I think I prefer the original.
whoah this sounds like Kate Bush, dunnit? (hint - hum "it's you and me, daddy" along with it...)
to hell with Pitchfork. good finds in Momus' year-end top ten (Max Tundra and Yximalloo I can definitely vouchsafe).
Methinks it's not too preemptive to expect a best of aught '08 list? Soon?
- g.b.
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