Now that the band (Eldritch) has refused to release any new CDs, the only income he is getting from the band is from touring. The Sisters surprised us with another tour, which landed in Vancouver on Monday night after their last show here in March of 2006. I swore after the last show I wouldn't bother seeing them live again, but after a few drinks on the weekend and a comp ticket, how could I refuse?
For denying their gothic roots, The Sisters, put on a show that was dark and macarbre, and although Mr. Eldritch would like to prove to his fans that he is a rock star, the sunglasses he sported in the darkness of the nightclub proved otherwise. I was about three people from the front of the stage but due to the low light levels, and the heavy fog being dispensed, I was unable to get a decent photo on my camera because it was far too dark, and the flash only reflected in the fog. Only a goth would wear sunglasses to a live show this dimly lit. Andrew also sported the brightest neon yellow shirt I have ever seen, to again remind us that he is a rock star, not a black-wearing poet who has a voice deeper than the graves his fans dig for their myspace photoshoots.
A few other fans who were close enough to heckle the Sisters yelled out comments to turn the music up, and rightfully so, as you could barely hear the vocals that when played on your home stereo were melancholy enough to give you the shivers. However, our dear un-goth friend Andrew is either too old, or just a total jerk when dealing with fans, since he told us that if we wanted it louder we should go stand in front of one of the speakers since we must be deaf. I guess he really must be a rock star with an attitude like that. Mr. Eldritch carried on to play some of their big hits like "Dominion" "Lucretia My Reflection" and "Marion" which kept the crowd happy in any case.
I will give credit to the fact that there were definetley more people at this show than the previous one, however that could be related to the fact that the Ohgr show was the day before, so a alot of people may have come in from out of town for that and just stayed the extra day. This is my theory since I doubt there were that many people raving about the show the last time they came around.
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