Not only has scalping become common practice on Craigslist, but it seems as though Ticketbastard, who already makes us pay through the nose for service charges, also seems to be holding back tickets to auction them off after the concerts have been sold out. After letting you know that "no exact matches (to your request) have been found" you can click on the link that takes you to www.ticketsnow.ticketmaster.com, where you can buy tickets that were originally $35 for $85 or more, where you are also charged a convenience fee of $6.60 per ticket. So for one ticket I originally purchased for $47.09 including service charges, I am paying $108.68 for. That is over double the regular ticket price and is fucking ridiculous!!
I am asking you fellow Vancouverites to please only buy tickets that you or your friends will actually be using to go to conert events. I understand that at times there will always be events that come up for which you have a ticket but can't actually make it to, however when there are over thirty ads on Craigslist for tickets just after they go on sale, its obvious that some people are just making a living on selling tickets to sold out shows because we don't have enough venues with large capacities for live bands to play in! And why is it that all other provinces in Canada except B.C, scalping is illegal?
Food for thought my friends.
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